Functional Specification

FS is important for any project. Normally you should get it from customer project team. If not, you have to prepare one.

Following content  integration FS should have. I have put some sample diagram.


Application context diagram

Interface list

(put message type, source and destination )

Business process diagram for each use case

(Sample  flowchart is given below)


S. No Steps Descriptions
1 Boomi Receive request from Source Source invokes Boomi Web service and pass the payload
.. .. ..


Sequence diagram for each use case.

(Sample sequence diagram is given below)

Functional requirement

(Here you should describe detail functional requirement like below. You can have separate section for other nonfunctional requirement or you can have those in single tabular format)



FS-ID Interface/module Description Reference to URS
FS-GEN-1   Source should  send the messages to ESB process by invoking REST endpoint URS-GEN-1
FS-GEN-2   ESB process should do validate the messages URS-GEN-2
FS-GEN-3   ESB process should do database look up to enrich the messages URS-GEN-3
FS-GEN-4   ESB process should send the messages to the target after validation and enrichment URS-GEN-4
.. .. ..  



Security requirement

Sample as below

  1. Source will use basic authentication to connect to ESB process
  2. ESB will connect to database through JDBC with basic authentication
  3. ESB will connect to Target with Two way SSL

Error handling requirement


FS-ID Interface/module Description Reference to URS
FS-ERR-1   ESB should check validity of payload and send email notification accordingly URS-ERR-1
FS-ERR-2   Connection failure to the external system should generate email notification URS-ERR-2
FS-ERR-3   Audit Entry to be generated for successful and failed messages. URS-ERR-3
.. .. ..  


Audit requirement

Compliance requirement

Non Functional requirement

SLA requirements

Mapping and transformation requirement.

(This section is very important)


Message Name Source field Transformation  Target field



Sample Messages

Sample XSD.